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Volgen, The Midlands

“Houndmasters of the Freemantle”


Volgen is a moorish highland with barren crag-like hills that roll into the Freemantle Range, where the breathtaking Prelate’s Peak resides.  It is butted up against the First Province, along with the mountains that border it and Arkhess; to its Northwestern border is Ostenam, along with ones of its largest exporters, Yultac, where most of their wool trade is sent.  Within Volgen are a few streams and rivers, but Volgen boasts some of the largest and most abundant bodies of water throughout its Province, the largest of these being Lake Volg.


Volgen is one of three nations that, until the arrival of the Decusian Faith and the Venerated Republic, was embroiled in constant skirmishes and raids to establish itself the rightful power within Vitaveus among its rivals: Ostenam and Drolund.  Though not concerned with establishing an outright Empire, the nations of Ostenam, Drolund and Volgen all conspired to exert exclusive rights of rule throughout the region, with their key goals being to establish a form of taxation for both currency and valued good, along with rights to land claims and wild game within the regions.  This drive originates from an ancient period of warring tribes that once converged to a singular people, and for many who first visit each of these Midland provinces, the vestiges of these ancient cultures seem one in the same at face value.

The Volgen people, once known as the Volgs (Vol-g-z) were a chiefdom clan based group of people who have established their presence within the crag-like highlands on the Eastern end of the Midlands.  This region gives little in the form of fertile soil, and as such, most of their harvests come from much more heartier plants that are indigenous to the region and wild growing.  Their main form of nourishment that provided them with sustenance were the moor-headed sheep that are still abundant throughout the region. The Volg throughout ancient history, well before the arrival of the Decusian faith, began to domestic these sheep for their benefit.  What ancestor they may have shared with the common sheep in the Eastern Provinces today is no doubt lost from breeding, but none the less, Volgen remains known for it’s livestock.

Due to the nomadic needs and grazing patterns of these sheep, historically Volg people could not pen them in and thus, early Volg developed a nomadic lifestyle solely; many of the herdsmen and rangers of the Volg spent months away from their hearth and home just to maintain their flock.  It is a lonely business for such folk, but they were not without the faithful company of some notoriously famous companions: the Volgen Retriever. This stout and wire-haired beast with a broad but short snout was undying in its loyalty to its handlers, who had grown up along sides these four legged hounds since man the first men walks Vitaveus.  They make for great flushing dogs and hunt in packs that seem to indoctrinate their handlers into the pack hierarchy at the apex position. Today, they are not only used to help range in the sheep, but also as Legion sentries, guard dogs and even as pedigree show dogs among aristocratic Easterners of the Prelacy.

When the Reckoning took hold of the territory of Volgen, the men and women of the Volg quickly became favored for their extensive knowledge in animal breeding and herding techniques, their hounds becoming quickly integrated into the Legion and Templar forces to act as force multipliers.  This importance laid upon their prized hounds brought the Volg people a greater sense of purpose, and hopes to eventually crush their rivals, which became a reality as they bent the knee in homage and absolute fealty to the Venerated Republic without so much as a few months worth of resistance.


The Torment remains a major issue within the region, which isn’t anything new for those living in these dark times.  However, the Volg people are beginning to become restless. When The First Province fell, many of it’s former inhabitants had begun to flock to the other territories within the Baronies. However, many chose to evacuate further west, namely to that of Volgen. This influx of refugees has put a damper on the herds of sheep the territory is famously known for, as poaching has become a rising threat to the herdsmen and their flocks. The final nail in the coffin for many within the territory has been the contamination of Lake Volg, where many Municipalities and townships are seated around. Thus, many whom reside in these affected cities and villages have begun to blame the refugees that have flocked to their cities and towns for spreading their sickness to the waters, tainting their fish and soiling their water – resulting in a very xenophobic and sometimes violent reaction to newcomers.

Points of Interest

Lake Volg

This lake rests as a natural border between  Ghaenthgrand and Ostenam, on its westernmost limit. Many of the settlements and cities that the Volg people inhabit are dotted around these lakes; the harsh terrain of the region makes it hard for transporting goods, particularly their prized wools to surrounding nations of the Republic.  These lakes and their waterways allow for the Volg people to transport their stocks by boat, however, the trip has become tumultuous, as Lake Volg has become contaminated with the Torment. Fish wash ashore in amalgamated husks, and ferrymen have reported seeing large creatures surfacing from the watery depths to swallow men whole.

Inspirations and Influences

Yorkshire Moors. Traditional example names such as Albert, Victor, Brea and Fiona are common for those hailing from Volgen.